One Million Journey joins the J’s Million Dollar Club

one million journey million dollar club

J.Money from Budgets are Sexy created the Million Dollar Club about 10 or 11 years ago. The purpose of the club is to create a “millionaire to-do list” of habits and plans you pledge to adopt in order to reach the million .

Well, since the million goal is in fact my goal too…

… Guess what?

I’m joining in! yeee!

Joining the club has been in my mind for some time. But since my plans will depend broadly on where we live, I thought that it was a bit pointless to write down a list which I didn’t know how long I could follow for.

But as J.Money says we gotta start from somewhere if we wanna figure out how to become a millionaire, right?

So, that’s exactly what I am going to do, start from somewhere, assuming that we settle in the UK for an indefinite period, and keep updating my list according to new changes or knowledge acquired along the way.

Also, he reached the 7 figures in August 2019, he made it after 11 years and 139 updates! Which is very inspiring if you ask, so that helped me to join as well.

Here’s my millionaire pledge list and how I’m gonna make it happen:

This is THE attitude, isn’t it? Hopefully I’ll able to keep it for the next 10 years though! 😉

The last point should be in fact the starting point and it’s partly what this post is about.

It’s the way Napoleon Hill describes on his book “Think and Grow Rich”. He says you need to write an statement and read it out loud twice per day.

I will post it in my blog once It has been written, so I will have it handy (if WIFI available) and hopefully can inspire others too at the same time?

The Million Dollar Club refers to Net Worth, which is not the same as my active investment portfolio or FI pot.

So, at the time of writing (14/09/2019) and with a current conversion rate of 1 EUR = 1.12$, my Net Worth is 457,928.9 $.

The progress will be posted on my Net Worth Page, located at the top menu bar.

I am always mentioning my lovely future million in the blog, so no worries, you will definitely notice when that’s been achieved as I will shout it out as loud as person can possibly shout (and that’s extremely loud I CAN TELL YAA THAT!)

Now, I just need to sit tight and wait for 10 years, right?

I’ll see you all back then, on the meantime keep yourself healthy! 😉

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