Sayonara 2019. Welcome, 2020. These Are My Goals

Goals 2020

2019 is standing on its lifetime boundary edge. It is never to be seen again, it is almost gone and shall soon be forgotten.

And I could not be happier about it!

It is said that a picture says more than a thousand words, right?

Sayonara 2019, it’s time to turn your page over

2019: A Pile Of Rubbish

Summarising, the image shows exactly how my 2019 has been, a pile of total rubbish. Yet again let me tell you that I couldn’t be happier to see it fading away. I couldn’t be more excited to replace stink by the smell of roses…

Ok, perhaps I am “leveraging” it all a bit too much. After all, I’ve just been the only blogger around the entire world who has lost money during a great 2019 bull run in the stock market?

It seemed I went against the stream, indeed, as my portfolio value decreased by – 27%, while the S&P 500 increased + 29% at the time of writing – sniff sniff.

However, this is not a blog post to reanalyse why that happened – I mentioned it many times during the year. I am writing this because I want to stop smelling unwelcoming aromas, while I see 2019 falling off the cliff, wearing a large grin on my face and having a crystal clear vision in my mind of what I want for 2020, reinforced by a set of goals that will make the next 12 month a pleasantly smelly time.


A Quick Look At My 2019 Goals

On my first portfolio update, I set a series of goals for 2019. Even though I completely gave up on them after this, I think it is still a good idea to face it by looking back at them and write some reflections to work as a proper farewell.

These were my “2019 goals”:

Increase portfolio value between 180,000 – 200,000€

The current value is 106K €


Increase passive income to 700€/month

I gained 602€ on my best passive income month.


Read at least 12 books

I read only 9 books.


“Unshakable” and “Easy Way To Stop Smoking” are rereads. “The science of getting rich” includes a second book “the science of being great”

Become fitter, reduce body fat to 15% (21% now)

What if I tell you that my body fat is 30.3%?


Improve my writing and speed


Write 20 blog posts

I wrote 36 posts.


Earn my first blog income and donate it to a charity


I failed on 4 out of my 7 goals in 2019. There is definitely some room for improvement, Tony, but hey! it could’ve been even worse! 😛

Now that there are no more “algos” on the way, in 2020 I plan to focus more on my goals and do much better than in 2019.

So, it’s time to look forward and write my new set of goals to lead 2020 in the right direction.

Embracing 2020 with optimism is, in fact, my main goal

Leaving The Stink Behind: My Goals for 2020

It’s widely said that we need goals to succeed. We need something to focus on our attention. Without focus, how can we get things done? It’s all about taking baby steps, one at the time, until we get there, achieve something and then move on to archive something else, but always following a plan that leads to accomplishment.

If we keep going on, these accumulations of achievements will bring us success at whatever we initially started the whole journey for, it’s the matter with lack of persistence what makes us fail.

The destination of my journey is the accumulation of wealth up to the point where my investments provide me with the necessary flow of passive income to allow me to feed my lifestyle. I set this point to be one million, which is way more than what I need but provides me with a margin of safety and financial tranquillity.

Every goal is a baby step and every year a new game level, that’s the way I see it. My game last for 10 years, where now just 9 are left.

This year I am going to split my goals into different areas: Financial, health, personal development and spiritual.

Financial Goals

Increase Net Worth Up To 478K Euros

Following my One Million Journey plan statement, I should have accumulated a net worth of 478K Euros by September 2020. Following the latest Q4 2019 net worth update, the value is 443K Euros, which means it needs a 35k further increase to meet the target. It seems reasonable to me.

Increase Investment Portfolio To 140K Euros

Again, if taking the numbers out of my plan statement, my portfolio value should reach an approximate value of 140K Euros in 2020. At the time of writing the value is 106K Euros, which means it needs a 34K Euros further increase.

Reach and Keep a 50% Average Savings Rate

My 2019 average savings rate is 45.8%. In 2020 I would like to increase that ratio to 50%.

Increase my Payslip Gross Income by 10%

My total gross income from my day job was £30,750 in 2019. In 2020 I would like to increase it by 10% and get approximately £33,825. There are plans with my current employer to expand the designing team (currently just me) and promote me to Head Design Engineer or team leader. In exchange, I need to keep improving my services, or put differently, improve quantity without losing quality.

Increase my Passive Income by 25%

As I am still quite at the beginning of my journey, passive income is not my main focus. I am in the wealth-building and accumulation phase, and even though I have some tax advantages as a foreigner living in the UK, some passive income from my overseas investments is taxed. Therefore, my main focus now is to accumulate wealth faster. Paying huge amounts to the taxman isn’t too exciting.

However, as I invest via ETF’s, my monthly contributions to my S&S ISA will provide me with an increase in my tax-free monthly passive income besides the compounding increase on my peer-to-peer lending overseas investments.  

My current TTM (Trailing Twelve Months) average passive income is 416 Euros. Adding a 25% increase equals 520 Euros/month.

Health Goals

Reduce weight down to 80 Kg

In 2019 I did something great, I stopped smoking. But guess what? Since then I have not stopped putting weight on. My journey is about accumulating wealth not weight! I originally thought that with some exercising and especially running would buffer the increase, but I am afraid it did not work like that. My current weight is 91 kg. In 2020, I would like to pay more attention to this and get back to my normal weight levels of 80 kg. Not to say that I would also like to get my body fat at my normal level of 20%.

Average resting heart rate of 60 bpm

If something has really improved in 2019 is my resting heart rate. Starting with 72bpm and ending up with 62 bpm, I have seen a 14% improvement. In 2020, I still want to keep special attention to this since some of my family members had serious problems with this organ. I am happy to keep it around the 60 bpm mark.

Walk or Run 10.000 steps per day

Translated in an annual basis is 3,650,000 steps or 304,166 steps a month. Up to date, I have made 2,390,536 steps. I am short by over a million! This goal is certainly challenging but not impossible.

Personal Development Goals

Most of my personal development goals are based on reading books or writing on the blog.

Read 12 books.

Read the biography of someone successful (Elon Musk?).

Read at least 3 investing books.

Read a book or take a course on marketing and sales.

Read at least 3 personal finance books.

Read a book about confidence and take the necessary actions to improve.

Write 40 blog posts.

Spiritual Goals

Meditate 10 minutes every day

Everyone knows about the benefits of meditating in a daily basis. One of my spiritual goals this year is to get back to the habit of meditating every day, even if it is only for 10 minutes in the morning to start off with full of optimism and sharp focus.

Finish my 1000 Euros donating goal

In 2019 I promised I would donate 100% of my blog income to a charity. My target was 1000 Euros, but I fell rather short. I approximately earned 300 Euros, so in 2020 I would like to donate 700 Euros.

That’s all amigos. These are the set of goals I plan to focus on in 2020.

Now, I would love to hear from you.

What are your goals for 2020?

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