The Millionaire Mindset #1 – The Money Blueprint

The millionaire mindset 1 the money blueprint

Hello visitor 🙂 and welcome to my new millionaire mindset blog post series. This post covers the money blueprint.

What is this going to be about you might think?

I’ll explain it to you in a second, but first of , let me tell you that this is something I had planned to do before the Algotechs scandal happened. It never went ahead, as I just didn’t have the level of inspiration required to write this sort of posts. But this experience is being forgotten little by little now, and my mood and mind are getting back where they used to be, absolutely on FIRE! 🙂

Whether you are a new or old reader I am pretty sure you’ve guessed what this blog is about by just reading the domain name

If you let me choose, I would obviously rather be successful at getting to the end of my journey, and most importantly, successful at keeping that million afterwards. No one wants to work hard for something and then end up losing it, right?

The first part of my definite plan to become a millionaire is to develop a series of habits that will contribute to my core principles of continuous learning and self-improvement.

So, now you should guess it. Blogging is an incredibly helpful tool to be utilised for these purposes.

Every once in a while, I will publish a millionaire mindset blog post sharing some new things I’ve learnt and can potentially be useful to bear in mind along and after the journey. It’s like a little contribution to keep developing a millionaire mindset. I spend a lot of time reading books, but reading is sometimes not enough for me and I end up forgetting some useful content. I will mention what books I’ve been inspired from in the introduction section. My main book inspiration for this post was Secrets of the Millionaire Mind (T. Harv Eker) and Rich Dad Poor Dad (Robert Kiyosaki). This series will characterise by having not affiliate links.

These blog post series will suit mainly to those that are into self-development. If you don’t enjoy this topic you will find it hard to read. If that’s your case, no worries, then you may enjoy reading some of my portfolio updates instead? ;P

I hope you’ll enjoy them as much as I do writing them 🙂

Without further ado, let’s get this thing started.

The Money Blueprint – What Is It And Why Is So Important

Business knowledge, investing strategies, money management, leadership and engineering skills are a few examples of the “outer” laws of money. These are commonly taught in schools and universities and most people living in developed countries got the chance to choose what skills they want to learn, and what carrier they want to develop. These have been proven to be important for wealth accumulation but let me tell you that it isn’t all you need in order to succeed.

This is when the “inner” laws of money get introduced. What are they? These are your thinking, your beliefs, your desires, your habits and traits, your confidence and your ability to emotionally control yourself. It defines your character and your own capability to succeed.

I belong to the industrial engineering industry and I have seen people being excellent at what they do but have a low level of income. I’ve seen others being not so great but having higher-paying jobs. So, what’s the difference? Their money blueprint.

Have you ever heard about the law of attraction?

Let me put it down in an example:

You know these days when you are feeling a bit down and perhaps think a bit more negatively than usual and everything feels similar around you? Or these days when you sparkle, and everyone smiles at you (Friday feeling)? It isn’t a coincidence; you are attracting what your inner self feels.

The same law applies for money, and that’s what the money bleprint is all about and why is so important.

“Your income can grow only to the extent you do”

Your inner world reflects your outer world.

Image by Yassay from Pixabay

The Process of Manifestation Formula

So, what is your money or financial blueprint exactly?

As T. Harv Eker puts it:

Your financial blueprint consists of a combination of thoughts, feelings and actions in the arena of money. It consists primarily on the information or “programming” you received in the past, and especially as a young child.


Programming leads to your thoughts

Thoughts lead to feelings

Feelings lead to action

Action leads to result

If you read my CashFlow Human of FI Story you’ll find out that my childhood wasn’t especially easy. My personal experience is the key point of writing about this. I’ve improved my money blueprint a lot since I started this blog and read and interact with other bloggers and writers, but I still got a lot of work to do.

According to the Process of Manifestation Formula, if we want to improve our results, the first thing we should work on is in our past programming.

There are three primary “programs” we are influenced by:

The First Influence: Verbal Programming

This includes anything you heard about money, wealth and rich people when you were a kid. What your parents believed is probably what your beliefs are today. They remain in our subconscious mind and we are sometimes not even aware of them, conditioning our thinking (Remember: Thinking leads to feelings, actions and outcomes).

Some common phrases you may have heard that are conditioning your money beliefs negatively are: money is the root of all evil, rich people are criminals, you can’t be rich and spiritual, money doesn’t buy happiness, we can’t afford it, filthy rich, rich and lonely.

Luckily, my parents didn’t talk much about money in front of me, so the only one I heard the most was we can’t afford it or “no nos lo podemos permitir” in Spanish.

Robert Kiyosaki (Poor Dad Rich Dad) helped me to reshape this thought. He suggests you turn that “I can’t afford it” into “How can I afford it?” As he explains:

“One lets you off the hook, and the other forces you to think. By automatically saying the words ‘I can’t afford it,’ your brain stops working. By asking the question ‘How can I afford it?’ your brain is put to work.”

The second Influence: Modeling

What were your parents like in the arena of money when you grew up? Were they spenders, investors, business owners or rat racers?

Children learn by imitating and copying what they see adults or other children do.

There’s an old saying I like: “The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree”. So, if your parent tree was a rat racer, I am sorry to tell you that but you are also quite likely to be so too.

My parents borrowed money to buy an already-made industrial business that didn’t turn up well. So, my family would be debt-ridden for many years, working hard to keep up with interest payments.

This experience has modelled my view towards what money means to me; Safety and having options.

But this has created a deeply strong fear of borrowing in my subconscious mind. I hate the idea of borrowing money because of what I’ve seen as a child. I associate borrowing with being broke. Every time I’ve tried to borrow money, something has occurred, or I just couldn’t do.

What if that happens, I’ll be screwed. Wait, that could happen too, then I’d be doubled screwed!

That’s one of the reasons why my net worth has no liabilities and we are still renting a studio flat.

But if I truly want to boost my one million and financial independence journey I must be willing to take on the risk of borrowing. Hopefully my one million journey plan statement and writing this millionaire mind type post will are going to help me to overcome this fear.

Third Influence: Specific Accidents

The third primary “program” refers to experiences we had when we were young around money, wealth and rich people. Accidents seem to be extremely important as they shape our personal beliefs, well … in fact, they don’t seem they are

Again, let me tell you my experience:

We had been a happy living family before my parents went broke. They weren’t rich but could afford a nice holiday and some good treats, quality food and nice purchases. I also had a lot of toys during Christmas and my birthday was also a good fun.

But, everything (and when I am saying everything, I mean everything) changed after the “disaster”. Suddenly, there were much less toys, we didn’t travel or have any holidays AT ALL (in fact, I wouldn’t go anywhere until I earned my own money at the age of 17) and eat rice and pasta more often.

One day we lived comfortably, the next one my parents struggled to provide with the basic needs.

I haven’t only experience what the lack of money does, I have also seen it and heard it.

Loud arguments, smoking, stress, bad humour, alcoholism and depression would overtake the happiness environment away from my family for several years to come. This is what the lack of money brought to my family.

Who says that money doesn’t bring happiness??!!

So, this specific experience or accident has influenced me a lot and it still does a bit. My subconscious mind associates borrowing money with risk and unhappiness. I’ve got the feeling that if I borrow money, I’ll never be happy but only worry about “what ifs”. Now I have no debt, I owe nothing, I could just stop working and go traveling for a year, no responsibilities, but everything (and when I say everything, I mean everything) changes after borrowing…

Over to you

How is your money blueprint like? Did you parents modelled how you think about money today? Did you have any specific accident, personal experience or verbal programming that has influenced your money blueprint?

I would love to hear about you, so don’t forget to leave a comment down below J

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