2020 Recap + New Habits & Goals For 2021

Goals 2021

In the blink of an eye, almost two weeks of this new year are already gone, so it may be about time to have a look at how I did with my 2020 goals and what to focus on in 2021?

2020: Not a Bad Year

Having a look back at my previous goal yearly update, I recall how bad 2019 went for me, and all the emotional ups and downs I experienced, what a year that was!

But putting on the side all the Covid-19 thing, 2020 has turned out to be a better financial year for me. It could certainly have been better, but let’s remain optimistic and say that it could have been much, much worse!

In January 2019 my portfolio was at 108,508 EUR, 12 months after it stays at 120,236 EUR, which is about an 11% increase. This result is a bit disappointing since I was expecting to be near 140K at this time. If I had lost no money with Envestio and Grupeer I am convinced I’d be pretty close to that mark today.

Financially speaking, 2020 has witnessed a turning point on my investing strategy, where I slowly converted a large part of my P2P assets into dividends stocks and global funds. It’s thanks to this change that the financial story of 2020 hasn’t turned out to be much, much worse, so I am glad I took the helm and captained my portfolio towards a different direction!

I am grateful for all the individuals who participated in the millionaire questionnaire, I’ve truly learnt a lot thanks to this.

In 2020, I’ve accomplished 11.5 goals out of 17, which is not too bad. I totally crushed my personal development and health goals but failed on all my spiritual goals.

Without further ado, let’s have a look at what Tony Peperoni has managed or not to do in more detail:

A Quick Overview At My 2020 Goals

Financial Goals

Increase Net Worth Up To 478K Euros


According to my original One Million Journey plan statement, I should have accumulated a net worth of 478K Euros by September 2020. My final net worth value for Q4 2020 is  449K Euros.

Increase Investment Portfolio To 140K Euros


Similar to before, I had planned to have a 140K by the end of 2020. The current value of my portfolio is 120K Euros.

Reach and Keep a 50% Average Savings Rate


My average savings rate for 2020 is a whopping 66.5%!

These are all my financial stats for the year:

1 / 6

Increase my Payslip Gross Income by 10%


My total gross income from my day job was £30,750 in 2019. In 2020 it got up to £33,612.16. That’s a 9.3% increase. I have theoretically failed, but I think I have succeeded at the reason behind setting this goal, which was getting a pay rise in 2020.

Increase my Passive Income by 25%


This is one of those goals that you set and soon after you regret to have included in your list.

I no longer pay that much attention to increasing my passive income stream. Most of my monthly portfolio contributions go to a Vanguard All-World ETF Accumulator. This reinvests any passive income automatically for me, and as consequence, it is not counted as passive income.

However, I still enjoy tracking it since some of my investments still pay interest or dividend, so I will continue doing so but without having a goal in mind.

My total passive income for 2020 was 3,879 EUR, which compared to the 5,269.1 Euros I earned in 2019 gives a 26% reduction.

Health Goals

Reduce weight down to 80 83 Kg


My prior Christmas weight was 83 kg. I normally eat a lot during Christmas, and besides having this goal firmly set in the back of my mind I did not manage to reduce my intake. So my after Christmas (and year-end) weight was 84.5 Kg.

So once again, despite having theoretically failed on this one, I feel pretty damn proud of my evolution throughout the year, as my weight 12 months ago was 90.7 kg, which means I ended up being 6 kg lighter. That’s a small win against gravity and g-force! Isn’t it? 😀

Average resting heart rate of 60 bpm


Thankfully, that was quite an easy one for me. I no longer smoke, drink no more than 2-3 beers a week and exercise daily whenever possible, so I have been able to keep my resting rate below the 60bmp at all times. Ending up at 58bmp.

Walk or Run 10.000 steps per day


This goal was a bit more challenging, but I manage to do pretty well during the year. I made a total of 3,675,575 steps. This put as a daily average equals 10,070 steps.

I feel proud of having accomplished this one, it feels good!

Personal Development Goals

Most of my personal development goals are based on reading books or writing on the blog.

Read 12 books.


Read the biography of someone successful (Elon Musk?).


Read at least 3 investing books.


Read a book or take a course on marketing and sales.


Read at least 3 personal finance books.


Read a book about confidence and take the necessary actions to improve.


Write 40 blog posts.


Spiritual Goals

Meditate 10 minutes every day


Finish my 1000 Euros donating goal


In 2019 I set a target donation of 1000 Euros, but I fell rather short. I approximately donated 300 Euros in 2019, in 2020 I only donated 82.49 Euros.

My Goals and Habits For 2021

In 2021, I want to focus on building and maintaining systems and good habits instead of setting many goals. After reading Atomic Habits earlier this year, I learned that setting goals are good for setting a direction, but systems are better for making progress. I would recommend checking out this post if you are interested in learning how to build new habits the James Clear way.

What I’ve noticed during last year is that setting goals that are measurable and trackable are much better for me. For instance, take my meditation goal, I failed at maintaining the habit after the second week despite knowing it is very beneficial, and I even enjoy it very much.

2021 Goals & Habits:

1. Increase Portfolio Value to 150K EUR

2. Average Savings Rate: 60%

3. Make 3.65 Million Steps (10K Daily Steps)

4. 4500min Of Weight Lifting Training (12min a Day)

5. Reduce Body Fat to 22% (Currently 26.4%)

6. Read 3,650 Pages Of Non-Fiction Books (10 Pages A Day)

7. Read And Study 260 Pages Of Engineering And Business Vocabulary (5 Pages A Week)

8. Mediate 3,650 Minutes (10 min. Day)

This is it!

8 habits/goals fully trackable that will help me to be on the right track during 2021.

And where does the track lead? You may ask.

Well, It leads towards my final destination, the person I picture I want to become. A well-rounded millionaire with a 6 pack and all 5 senses on FIRE. Or put differently for the technical minds:

One Millon Journey End Road:

7 Figures + 6 Pack + 5 Full Senses (mindfulness)

Best of all is that all my goals are lockdown compatible, so even if Covid-19 lasts more than expected, I will have no excuses!

So, to conclude, in 2021 I will be focusing on my own self-made method rule.

The 7-6-5 Rule.

How does that sound? 😀

Happy to hear your thoughts and I would love to hear about your own goals and how your 2020 went too!

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