Monthly Update #9 August 2019 – I Bought a Fordkari!

monthly update august 2019 onemillion journey

Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to my Spanglish monthly update, it’s nice to see you all again 🙂

August has been a pretty busy month for me. The beginning was easy, as I sang Hakuna Matata often. You should have watched me sing while washing dishes and dancing on my own at the same time, obviously, in a talented way, as no plates were broken! 🙂

My two weeks of working as a Kitchen Porter in the UK paid off finally!

Ok, now jokes on the side, this is a quick summary of what’s been going on over the last few weeks:

Since then, these are the three words I have been typing on Google the most: Mortatges, Rightmove and Zoopla (last two being property websites).

This is quite possibly one of the most important decisions of our life, as an extra, it involves settling in a foreign country. It isn’t a definite decision just yet though, but only a “let’s see what choices we have”.

So, this month we have been busy meeting with a mortgage advisor, researching and viewing properties. That gave us a brief on how things work here as first-time buyers, but obviously, there’s so much reading and researching I’d like to do before going ahead, as we nearly made a rushed financial decision that would have probably put us on a future financial pressure.

I am not a super productive machine, so all of that has left me with little time to spend on my blog and will possibly continue for a while, so I may don’t show up that often, sorry guys.

Right, without further ado, let’s get cracking on the numbers for this month.

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Monthly hightlights

Monthly earnings by platform

As I commented on my last Net Worth update, I sold my AMAT shares and purchased shares of Lam Research (LRCX) and Micron (MU) instead, which both belong to the semiconductor sector. I had been wanting to do that for some time as I like more their financials, in addition, AMAT seems to be losing market share against their competitors. I am keeping First Solar (FSLR) for the long run as it appears to be the one to own (leader) within the solar panel industry. This is just my experimental Trading 212 fun account, it’s nothing really serious at all. I don’t leverage and pay no commissions on trades so it’s just adding some fun on the game 🙂 So far it’s doing well, +7.6% in August!

I finally joint and validated my account on Freetrade, but haven’t purchased anything yet. I may have the chance to swop my ISA from Vanguard portal to Freetrade and own the same Vanguard ETFs. I need some more time to work that out.

I used Property Partner’s exited properties to joint RateSetter and benefit from their £100 cashback offer when investing £1000 for a year.

On the alternative side of my portfolio, Envestio, Grupeer and Fast Invest are my top performers, as in July.

The GBP/EUR currency ratio keeps its value at 1.1, it remains very volatile. I saw it at 1.08 at some point during August!

PlatformInception dateValue JulyTransactionsValue AugustEarningsReturn AugustCumulative Return
Property Partner (£)21/01/20185,894 (6,483.4‬ €)-159 (-175 €)5,767 (6,343.7 €)32 ( 35.2€)0.5 %8.2 %
Vanguard (£)14/03/201846,360 (50,996 €)+780 (858 €)46,766 (51,442 €)
-374 (411.4 €)
-0.8 %17.1 %
Housers26/03/20186,71006,725150.2 %5.1 %
Grupeer19/05/201810,272-2,0008,4071351.3 %20.5 %
Mintos05/08/20184,128-2,009.42,149300.7 %11 %
Crowdestate16/08/20183,02803,048190.6 %10.2 %
Envestio15/10/20185,48105,562801.5 %15,8 %
Fast Invest29/10/20181,07801,114.912.11.1 %11.5 %
Trading 21203/20191,394.301,508106.47.6 %38.3 %
EstateGuru10/05/20193,024.603,038.814.20.5 %1,7 %
Abundance (£)31/05/2019344 (378.4 €)50 (55 €)394 (433.4 €)00 %0 %
RateSetter (£)04/08/201901000 (1100 €)1000 (1100 €)00 %0 %
Robocash15/08/2019020002010100.5 %0.5 %
TOTAL92,999 €1829 €94,839 €50 €0.05%-38.3% *

*Includes Algotechs loss

Stocks & Shares ISA

My Stock & Shares ISA portfolio increases by +0.9%. Stock markets decreased in August, but my monthly contributions were greater than the loss.

From now on, every month I’ll pay myself £780 out of my payslip (£500 before). This has been set as automatic regular monthly payments, as follows:

The best performer so far is USD Corporate Bond UCITS ETF (VUCP) 29%

The worst performer so far is Global Value Factor UCITS ETF (VVAL) -7.5%

So far this year:

My strategy here now is to keep my ISA balanced between ratios of 40/60 – 60/40 until 1) A definite market crash has happened or 2) I have bought a house 3) I get a clue on what we’ll be doing the next 5 years.

Related content (though a bit outdated): My little British Empire as an Expat

Property Partner

Property Partner managed to return £32.

This amount is greater than usual. The reason being is simple, I was able to sell some of my property shares at a premium! I am not expecting to have the same luck for the remaining property shares though.

The value of some shares decreased even further whereas others didn’t change.

For any new readers, I don’t recommend to invest via Property Partner platform unless one of these two conditions are met: 1) Invest over £25K in equities or 2) Invest on developments loans (you’ll need to be a sophisticated investor in order to so).

The AUM fee starts applying from now on, but any shares sold before the 5th of February of 2020 will receive a rebate. I still got 5 months before that. I am not expecting to be able to exit the platform without experiencing loses.

So far I’ve sold shares of three properties with a total return of 14.5%, 11.3% and 0.3%.

This is how the process is looking:

Related content: Property Partner Review & Property Partner Stabs Their Investors


Income from Housers in August was 15. That is a bit better than the previous month which was only 9€. This is income after-tax.

The first payment from the new 1000 EUR “defaulted” loan was paid a few days late in the end with an interest rate of 12%. The rate was 10% but now the developer must pay a 2% penalty until it is able to repay the principal back to investors.

If any of you would like to know in detail how Housers deals with defaulted loans and the full procedure it follows, please let me know down below the comments and I’ll write a short post about it according to my experiences with the platform. If you have been following my updates though, you should have an overall idea of how it works.

Related : Housers Review


EstateGuru returns 14.15 EUR. That’s a new record for this platform. I have a portfolio of 54 loans, where 3 are delayed on payments.

Similar as Crowdestate, not every loan on EstateGuru pays monthly interests, so I am expecting an irregular monthly income.

My initial 3 months 0.5% bonus is over now. I’ve used the basic auto-invest tool since the beginning, which only allows setting two parameters; the period (12 months) and type of investments (bullet with interests) but has a minimum investment of 50 EUR. The average return on the loans selected by the basic auto-invest is 11%. You could do better if you are willing to invest over 250 EUR per project as the auto-invest tool improves, allowing you to set other parameters such as the LTV, interests, stage loans and security, among others.

EstareGuru is running another cashback campaign in September, but this time you’ll need to invest at least 1000 EUR to get a 0.5% bonus or over 10,000 to get a 1%.


Crowdestate portfolio grows 19 EUR. My portfolio here consists of 15 loans with an average expected return of 13.64%. I’ve got currently 7 loans that carry delays on repayments. While there have been always some delays, 7 out 15 isn’t common. My loans don’t have a buyback guarantee but are secured by other assets or guarantors, still, it wouldn’t surprise me if I would have to write off some money. Bear with me to see how this issue ends up.

For the time being, this is how the portfolio is growing:



UK residents are still not allowed to invest in Mintos, so I am just withdrawing any free cash until further notice.

Mintos has released a two months overview on its new Invest & Access tool, sharing some results on their blog. I’ve surprisingly been mentioned on the post! You can check it out here if you are curious 🙂

If not, here’s a super short summary:

Since Invest & Access was launched, 69% of new investors on Mintos have used this tool to create their investment portfolios on Mintos. 18% of new investors Invest & Access exclusively for their investment activities on Mintos. While having access to their money, investors are earning interest rate of 12.09% on their average investment of EUR 3 969. Only in the first two months, already 49% of investors have added more funds to their Invest & Access portfolios after the initial investment.

More than 80% of cash withdrawals from Invest & Access to investors’ accounts happen in the timeframe of 24 hours.

Related content: Mintos Review


has manufactured a welcoming 135 EUR of passive income in August.

Some more loans matured, so I was able to keep my diversification process on. I am not planning to diversify further for the time being, so I have turned the auto-invest tool back on. One less thing to bother about, goood!

This is how the chart looks now:

I wrote a Grupeer review after 15 months of investing.

Anyone who joins and invests a minimum of 100 EUR through THIS LINK from the 16th August to 16th of September 2019, will get a possibility to win 20 EUR for the upcoming investments. will randomly select 2 lucky winners.

The winners will be announced in my September monthly update. GOOD LUCK FOR THOSE WHO JOIN!

As you will see down below, not many people have joint so far… so there may be a good chance to win 20 EUR? – No pressure!


Envestio returned 80 EUR in August, it’s once again the best performer within my P2P lending portfolio.

This is my 10th month with the platform and so far I haven’t experienced any delays at all. Envestio is slowly becoming one of my favourite platforms, together with Mintos, Grupeer and EstateGuru.

Fast Invest

Fast Invest returned 12,11 EUR.

So far this platform is the best on providing steady monthly income. The numbers are just spot on month rear month.

My auto-invest is set at 13% minimum interest rate, and it seems the loan book is adequate as I’ve never had cash drag issues.

Fast Invest is also the account that I am using to test the power of compounding by myself, on real time and with real numbers.

The €45K Project Fund

This month I saved another £50 as a non-smoker, funds I transferred to Abundance and used to invest in the new ethical investment opportunity listed on the platform.

Things run very slowly here, but I’ll receive my first return shortly. I can’t wait to see this fund growing!

I’m keeping all the data on a monthly basis, so I shall soon be able to make a nice chart to show the evolution. – I know you love them! 😉

So far, I have recovered the 0.96% of my loss = 433 EUR

44,567 EUR left to go.

Related content: Investing Ethically, Recovering €45K through Investing in Myself First

Savings Rate

My total net income in August was £1,888.56 (2,077.4 EUR).

My Fordari had to be insured, costing me an extra £307 and lowering my savings rate down to 33.25%. I decided to pay the whole year of insurance at once, as the total cost of monthly payments would have increased the bill up to £356. The difference doesn’t seem too big at first, but if working out the numbers, I’d be paying 16% extra! – No thanks!

My savings rate without the car insurance expense would have been 49.5%.

Ouch! My monthly savings rate crosses down my average rate! Traders would call that the “Death Cross”. No worries. I am still alive guys! so I’ll make sure to bring that back up again! 🙂

Health after -smoking

I purchased not one but two Fitbit chargers, so I make sure I never abandon my lovely watch on the night table anymore 🙂

I’ve been on schedule, running constantly but no pushing myself to the limit, as it has been a battle of ice-cream against running lately!

Resting heart rate: 59 bpm in July, 58 in August. I won the ice cream battle!

I’d like to mention that I was first inspired to add this section by Ditch The Cave and to keep it up thanks to Dr Fire, who has also decided to start tracking his health in a monthly basis. Vamos guys!

My cardio level fitness is at 51, improving from the initial 49.6 back in May. I’m becoming a real terminator here! 😉

The donation milestone

Some more people used my links this month, thank you for doing so.

I am still far off my donation target of 1000 EUR. I’m not putting a lot of work on it I must admit, but its good to see that it keeps growing at least.

Most of my affiliates are linked in Target Circle now, so it will be much easier to show my blog income transparently, as it is the major, and mainly only, source of income from this blog.

Besides this income, I’ve got £3 from Property Partner.

Joining links and offers

Property Partner (share up to £1500, details here)

Estate Guru (0.5% bonus on your investments made during the first 3 months)

Mintos (1% bonus on your investments made during the first 3 months – UK residents temporally not accepted)

Envestio (5 EUR first deposit bonus + 0.5% bonus on your investments made during the first 270 days)



Fast Invest




Oddsmonkey (UK residents only)

Trading 212 (Free shares worth up to $/£/EUR 100 )

The Fordkari is here!

Finally, the time has arrived! I’m glad to you guys my last asset depreciating purchase.

gntlemeeeeen! Get ready to meet the most beautiful thing you have probably ever seen!

Say hello to my new car, the POWEFULL aaaand UNBEATABLE….. ….FORDKARI!

The One Million Journey car! Fordkari! Vroooom Vrooom!! Can you sense the horse power?!!

I haven’t’ read the book “The millionaire next door” quite yet, but I think I may possibly skip it for now, don’t you think? Hehe

On my previous monthly update, I mentioned that I had to return my EU car back to Spain, as I wasn’t able to drive it for longer than 6 months in the UK.

That left me without a car on the way back. My idea was to use transport for awhile and see whether that could be enough to keep going.

I tried! But the bus is not only expensive (£86.5 every 4 weeks) but also runs late all the time. It’s a coaster bus so it mainly transport retirees, who are not normally on a hurry I’d say!

As we also live out of the town centre, shopping was a problem. We purchased all stuff online but my (girlfriend) wasn’t jumping on excitement about it, although she has now discovered Ocado and seems she’s changed her mind (luckily I bought the car cos Ocado is so expensive!).

I had in mind to write a post about it but time flies.

Some quick numbers:

The Fordkari cost me 450£, the annual insurance was 307£ and annual road tax 130£. That makes £887. I could expect some maintenance issues, so I’ll round it up to £1000.

It’s a 1.3 litres petrol engine, so I’d expect the commuting petrol costs to be £30 a month, £360 a year.

Total first year costs of owning a Fordkari for commuting are £1360.

The annuals commuting costs for a bus in my area are £1124.

By owning a Fordkari the first year I overpay £236.

But the second year I won’t have to buy a car, because I already own it, hence increasing the chance of saving money.

As a conclusion, the numbers are tight but a car gives something that holds value to me, and that is freedom!

Unexpected maintenance issues

The maintenance costs of owning a car are challenging to predict. There are several factors that can go wrong within the mechanical and electrical complexity of a car.

Our driving skills also need to be considered.

Take the following case as an example.

As an European, what can possibly go wrong when driving in the UK?


Yup, the Fordkari is obviously a right side steering wheel car!

Until next time, Mind The Gap amigos/as!

not with me but with the side payments I mean!

Thanks for reading! :D

You can follow me on twitter where I share some thoughts from time to time and connect with other like-minded people and now even on Facebook too.

Disclaimer: Most of the links on this post are affiliate or referral ones. If you join to a platform using my affiliate links you may get a bonus or commission and so could I. I’m going to donate any commission I get throughout 2019 to a charity. You can read more about the purposes of this blog here and where this money is going to go here. Thanks.

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