Investing Ethically – The €45K Project Fund Begins
A few weeks ago I mentioned that I would try to recover my money by investing in myself first, increasing my savings and investing the extra money into a world index tracker. Doing this would show that I’ve learnt a valuable lesson out of my investing mistake by getting rid of my previous emotional investing behaviour.
The thing is that every time I visit my own blog and read the top heading “Shaping the future through DIY investing” is a reminder that tells me that I haven’t shaped anything at all yet, well, rather than my belly, which is increasing exponentially since I stopped smoking! +6 kg and counting 🙁
I came up with the heading name a little over 6 months ago. To be precise, it was during an inspiring and positive morning, on the way to work after my daily training at the gym and listening to the song “a one million dreams”, which was being played on the radio. I wanted it to be something original, something that would add some meaning to me, something that I wouldn’t get bored of reading it. After all it’s something like writing down your favourite quote or affirmation and stick it on the fridge or like getting your first tattoo done.
The phrase “Shaping the future through DIY investing” was born at that time.
Table of Contents
What does investing mean to me?
To me, investing is more than just a tool to reach financial independence. Investing has helped to shape the world we live in today and will help to shape the world that our future generations will live in too. Here, I’m referring to my future kids, and their kids, and the kids of their kids, and so on.
Today, we probably wouldn’t know what some common words like Netflix, Amazon or Tesla mean if investors wouldn’t have deployed some money at the initial business development plan or during difficult business times to overcome an internal crisis or help taking off an idea.
Whatever your hobby is, have you ever wondered how differently you would enjoy your hobbies today, if there wouldn’t have been investors funding the original project at the first place? From fishing to gaming, capital will be required to boost growth.
The more I learn about the world of finances and investing, the more I realise that having money is, in fact, a huge responsibility. The bigger your wallet is,
I’ve also noticed something else. Most successful and wealthy people – millionaires or billionaires – have one thing in common; they believe that giving money away made them richer and wealthier, and it’s considered as a rule of thumb for anyone wanting to improve their relationship with money, which in theory should ease our path to riches and FF, right? But not many seems to be doing…
I don’t know about you, but this does make a lot of sense to me, and as a consequence I have firmly taken the decision that the bigger my pot becomes the more responsible I will become with my money, because this is what I am being internally asked for, and that’s is what I want to go for.
Putting it all down in a sentence
As I’ve already mentioned in
Sounds like a winning strategy, doesn’t it?
Hence, the one million journey turns ethical, sustainable and greener, or also known as socially responsible investing.
Will I be able to “get my money back” by following these rules? Or am I just daydreaming in a non-sensible way? Can I help myself and the planet at the same time, and still be able to recover from my loss?
I have a shiny bald head, but it doesn’t work as a
Don’t miss the fun and subscribe to my blog to find out 😉
Right, without further ado…..
The €45K project fund begins
Hey Tony pepperoni! So, what’s this fund all going to be about?
This fund will work as a separate investment portfolio, to be precise it will be a sub-portfolio of my top-level portfolio, where I will be only investing in green or sustainable projects via P2P platforms that support this investing style. I may change this method in the future by adding an ethical investing fund, it will all depend on my future circumstances.
There are several P2P lending companies offering ethical investments, like Abundance, whose investments contribute to a greener economy in the UK. Agrikaab, whose investments in farming projects in East Africa boosts their local agriculture and create jobs, or Trine, whose investments are solar related.
The returns on these platforms are generally lower, the funding times are long, the risks are higher and the terms or time your money is locked longer.
I am completely conscious of the risks involved, and for not being the best investment for my pocket. On the other side, I am also completely conscious that this is the best investment to prevent my grandchildren from watching the landscape shown on the image down below.

Image taken from Wikipedia: Marine Pollution
My green investments so far
For the time being I am only going to invest in Abundance.
The main reason for this is because it’s an IFISA compatible (no tax on interests) British company and the minimum investment is £5, so I can easily top up my investments monthly. This is important as there may be months where I will be able to invest £50 only (out of stop smoking).
Abundance offers investments through tradeable Debentures, which are a regulated investment similar to bonds. It is a bit safer than investing in Africa for instance.
It has also some track record, as it was launched in 2012 and it’s also regulated by the FCA.
My sustainable investment – CoGen
There has been only one new project available since January, whose funding was closed in May and I contributed a stake of £244.

CoGen Limited is a leading developer of waste gasification projects in the UK that was trying to raise at least £3m and up to £7m to help advance the development of waste gasification projects in the UK that will reduce waste and generate sustainable energy.
The investment case is fully detailed in a 68 pages pdf document.
CoGen wants that waste as fuel for their gasification facilities to produce useful electricity, displacing the need for virgin fossil fuel generation and preventing much higher carbon emissions that come from landfill or incineration.
I love it for now, I let you know whether I will still love it after 4 years.
My next socially responsible investment – Pax Apartments
Pax apartments plc is after raising a little over £3m to refinance and complete the refurbishment of an affordable living development in Liverpool city centre of 33 flats that will be used as social housing.

The returns are less attractive than the CoGen project but the investment horizon is also much shorter.
There’s a 56 pages pdf document that I still got to read, but it’s quite likely I will grow the project fund from here next.
Finally, what’s your view on investing ethically?
Do you invest ethically? If so, what investment vehicles do you use?
If there any other P2P lending companies promoting ethical investing out there that I should be aware of? Which ones?
I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments down below 🙂
This post includes no affiliate or referral links. Its main purpose is to spread the word and motivate others to invest ethically. This post also intents to put my money where my mouth is.
You can follow me on twitter where I share some thoughts from time to time and connect with other like-minded people or Facebook.
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Good luck with this, Tony. I may have mentioned before but I too have a small holding with Abundance.
Recently, I started investing in the investment trust, The Renewables Infrastructure Group Limited. I’ve also got my eye on Greencoat UK Wind plc to invest in, in the future.
These investments won’t replace other investments, but will just be in addition to them.
Hey Weenie,
Last time you said good luck to me I ended up losing 45K, hopefully it won’t happen this time, right? Hehe 😉
Thank you for sharing your green investments here. At a first glance, The Renewables Infrastructure Group Limited looks attractive at a 6% dividend and its low debt ratio.
Guess Signet meetings are helping on finding these investments? Do you hold it in your SIPP?
Agree, these investments have a different approach to the cause, but some may be safer than others. I would change the way I invest radically if I would know for certain that I’m staying in the UK. For instance setting up a SIPP and loading up the track still enjoying from tax advantages.
I’ll stop saying good luck (but will silently wish it! 🙂 )
The SIGnet meetings have been useful but didn’t highlight TRIG or Greencoat – I first heard of them via who is slowly switching his portfolio to greener investments.
Wow, exciting my friend!
The environment is so important ??
I try to change my investment profile over to more “hreen” index funds ?
Thanks Route2fi,
It is indeed, we would rather retire in a healthy living planet, wouldn’t we? So then, we should all contribute at least into something.
You would be a good example for others, as it seems you are becoming very popular amigo 🙂
Thanks, Tony!
I think you’re right about greener investments.
I bought ethical MSCI World Index Funds some months ago. The only problem is that they are more expensive. 0,32 % yearly fee. But maybe it’s worth it? Do you have green index funds in the UK.
You gave me something to think about here. As I would love to help the planet more.
Would love to discuss this more with you!
Yep, out of my brokerage account, I could purchase shares on the Vanguard SRI Global Stock Fund and the Vanguard SRI European Stock Fund, but as you say the fees are higher and returns slightly below the common world trackers. Everyone will have a different idea on how much of our portfolio should be ethically invested, I think it depends on what you think the planet needs the most and how you would like to help with.
SRI World Funds normally exclude investments based on eight criteria: involvement in the anti-personnel mines, chemical or biological weapons, cluster munitions or nuclear weapons industries; contravention of human rights or labour standards; involvement in environmentally detrimental activities; or involvement in corruption,
which is great, but there is also the need to lend money or invest in the renewable energy industry in order to boost sustainable recycling. Remember, the population is growing, but not the natural resources of our planet, this is where technology will have the chance to save us but won’t happen without availability on capital, I am afraid.
This is where Abundance plays a good role here in the Uk. There must be a similar peer-to-peer company in Norway too. A sustainable investment trust could also be an option 😉
This is very inspiring! I can’t say I’ve done any ethical investing yet; all of my investments are currently in the typical global index tracker. I may look into investing a small amount with Abundance in the future, so thanks for pointing them out.
Hey Dr. Fire no probs, happy you found it interesting.
Great article – This is an interesting topic and very important, something I’ll look into. Will be fun to see how it goes!
Hey Divcome,
Thanks for your feedback. Glad you found it interesting, wish more people would.
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