Housers is a Spanish crowdfunding platform founded in 2015 that enables individuals to invest in real estate projects in Spain, Portugal, and Italy for as little as €50. The platform specializes mainly in collateral-backed investments in Buy-to-Let, Buy-to-Sell, and Development loans.
Portfolio Evolution
- Last update: Q2-2022
- Inception date: 26/03/2018
- Deposits: 6,736 EUR
- Withdrawals: -1,665 EUR
- Net Income: 548.14 EUR
Housers Monthly Net Income
Main Events
December 2018: Delayed rental income from Estadio Nacional and monthly rent agreement lower than expected.
January 2019: First Buy-to-Sell investment exited three months earlier with a 7.95% AER, which is better than the expected 7.1% AER.
February 2019: Second Buy-to-Sell investment exited with 6.1% AER, which is lower than the expected 7.2% AER. Three BTL investments didn´t payout.
March 2019: Issues with the principal repayment of the Albufera development loan due to the delay on the building permit from the Alfafar town hall. Lesson learned: Do not invest in development loans without granted building permissions.
April 2019: Several of my BTL investments don´t payout. The platform seems to be experiencing serious internal issues and struggles to manage investments efficiently.
May 2019: Income seems to pick up.
June 2019: A development loan exits successfully.
July 2019: Albufera loan extension is granted following the results of investors’ online vote. Housers continues to disappoint in regards to rental income.
August 2019: Albufera loan starts paying monthly interest including a 2% monthly penalty fee. Income recovers.
September 2019: Hold on a sec! Nearly all my investments paid out this month?!
October 2019: Well… That didn´t last too long!
November 2019: First Buy-to-Let investment sold after the 20th month with an IRR of 4.15% against and the estimated 6.29% 🙁
December 2019: Monec Barcelona doesn’t pay because of door maintenance issues (are tenants animals or what?). Payments delays on Tirso de Molina BTL.
January 2020: My strategy changes, I begin deflating my Housers portfolio.
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