On this page, I will be tracking my FI Ratio and monthly passive income from investments and compare it with my current average monthly expenses.  I’m hoping that this will help me to be constantly updated in regard to how my one million goal and financial freedom goes by, and take future investing or life decisions accordingly, if possible.

I will be tracking my journey towards financial freedom from two different perspectives.

  • Taking my Net Worth into account – For that, I will use the CashFlow Cop FI Score Test (FIST) calculator. Same as my Net Worth, it will be updated sporadically. I already spend some time on my investment tracker spreadsheet, so using this calculator will save me some of it, making my journey less time-consuming.
  • Comparing my average monthly expenses with my current passive income level out of my active investment portfolio, the one I am aiming to raise up to a million, hopefully before I pass away! My main streams of passive income derived from stock dividends, interest from bonds, rental properties (property crowdfunding) and interests from P2P/B lending.

Update (06/2020): I no longer pay that much attention to increasing my passive income stream. Most of my monthly portfolio contributions go to a Vanguard All-World ETF Accumulator. This reinvests any passive income automatically for me, so that won’t be shown on the chats down below.

Monthly Passive Income

  • Passive income in 2018: €1,715
  • Passive income in 2019: €5,269.1
  • Passive income in 2020 (Envestio and Grupeer losses are not counted in): €3,879
  • Passive income in 2021: €10,938
  • Passive income in 2022: €15,215

FI Ratio (based on Net Worth)

  • Last update: 21/07/2019
  • FI ratio: 44% (42% before)
  • FI score: 512 (531 before)
  • Years to FI: 8.58 (8.69 before)
FI score test cash flow cop one million journey
Click on the image to take the test

FI Ratio (based on monthly passive income)

Finally, how are other EU FI-bloggers doing?

Originally created by Eelis – The Weathy Finn


  1. April 24, 2019 at 3:17 pm

    Hey Tony! It’s nice to see the FI Score Test is useful for you. Thanks for sharing it with others.

    1. April 25, 2019 at 4:45 pm

      My pleasure 🙂

  2. May 2, 2019 at 8:25 pm

    Haha. Laughed of this: “after being arrested due to my bad financial habits ?”
    Great post, amigo!
    How did you start with matched betting? Link? Sounds interesting!

    1. May 2, 2019 at 8:45 pm

      Hey, I’m glad it made you laugh haha.

      I think match betting is only allowed in the UK, I am not so sure about it though as I am new into this, better to ask Google 😉

  3. May 8, 2019 at 9:15 pm

    Hi Tony,
    One of the main reasons that I got into blogging was to keep track of my investments and goals to becoming financially independent. Just by graphing your passive income each month, your motivated to save and earn more!
    I wonder, if you ran a trend-line through your total monthly passive income, would the dates match up (i.e. you reach financial independence in 8.7 years)?
    I would think that that measure would be as effective as plugging everything into the calculator.

    1. May 9, 2019 at 7:12 pm

      Hi Matt,

      That is one of the main reasons I started too, and I couldn’t agree more with it. It motivates me and helps me to stick to my main goal while learning and connecting with others 🙂

      Mmmmm… Will it match up? Technically it should resemble at least, I need to try that out! Thanks for the idea!

  4. March 24, 2020 at 9:46 am

    What a great Fi tool, thanks for showing it to me! regards Christian

    1. March 24, 2020 at 5:47 pm

      No prob, glad you find it useful. Cashflow cop did a great job building it up. Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  5. May 27, 2021 at 7:09 am

    Hi Toni
    The FI Ratio is really a useful measure. I’ve not paid too much attention to it in the past, but actually when I look at it, it’s quite motivating: last year, we had spendings of around USD 50’000 and expect passive income of at least USD 15’000 in 2021. Around 30 % of our annual spendings are covered by Passive Income (Dividends and Interests). We target FI by the end of 2024, so there is certainly a lot of work to do. But we certainly enjoy our path to FI.
    All the best!

    1. May 30, 2021 at 9:44 am

      Hi MFS,

      It really is motivating to see your passive income getting closer to your expenses. Learned this from reading Your Money Or Your Life, although the book takes a slight difference approach.

      All the best getting to your target FI, sure you’ll get there sooner or later if you enjoy the process 🙂

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