Income, Expenses & Savings, April 2020 – £1545.3 Saved
Fully equipped with a nice pair of sunglasses, +50 SPF suncream on my bald patch and lying on a deckchair on the beach next to a fridge full of beers while reading a good book in the shade of an umbrella is how I was…
Income, Expenses & Savings, March 2020 – £1332 Saved
Remaining positive is becoming somewhat challenging, yet it is so crucial to do so. It is imperative to shield positivism from negativism, a fact that needs no introduction and recalls the spreading science of this “welcoming” respiratory virus that we are living with these days…
Income, Expenses & Savings, February 2020 – £1333.2 Saved
Amigos, welcome to my first income, expenses and savings report, or in other words, welcome to half of my previous monthly updates. You may be thinking: “What is this Spaniard guy messing around with now?” Simply, I’ve decided I am gonna spam your email accounts…
Sayonara 2019. Welcome, 2020. These Are My Goals
2019 is standing on its lifetime boundary edge. It is never to be seen again, it is almost gone and shall soon be forgotten. And I could not be happier about it! It is said that a picture says more than a thousand words, right?…
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