Portfolio Update #23 October 2020 – 107,320€
Amigos, welcome to another portfolio update, this time being for the month of October 2020. Has anyone noticed the US election going on this week? I bet even the top-ranked Buddhist monks in the world heard about Trump’s tweets! Quick Recap of October Numbers Portfolio…
Portfolio Update #22 September 2020 – 105,781€
Amigos, welcome to another portfolio update, this time being for the month of September 2020. Quick Recap of September Numbers Portfolio value: 105,781 € (+0.35%) – details HERE Monthly Transactions (Deposits – Withdrawals): 2,011 € Monthly growth from investments: -116 € Passive income: 127 €…
P2P vs Dividend Investing – Pros and Cons
Investors are always looking for places to store their hard-earned cash. Albeit investing in index funds tends to be the preferred approach for the vast majority (especially retail investors) many are not happy by just simply putting all the eggs in one sole basket. As…
Portfolio Update #21 August 2020 – 105,404€
Amigos, this is another portfolio update, this time being for the month of August 2020. Portfolio wise, August was a good month. I am slowly distancing from the 100K and approaching to the 110K line, although I am still far below my top high of…
Portfolio Update #20 July 2020 – 101,729€
Hola Macarenos and Macarenas 🙂 and welcome to my portfolio update for July 2020, this one being already the 20th! As I am writing this it’s 30 34 degrees, as a heatwave has stepped on us. The area is pretty overpacked, more than usual over…
Portfolio Update #19 June 2020 – 100,347€
Amigos, here we are back again, back at the 6 figures :D. The last time I crossed the 100k was in November 2019. Then in March 2020, the sh*t hit the fun (COVID-19) and that put me back below the 100K. As they say, the…
Why I Am Changing To Global Index Funds
Vivid readers will have noticed in my recent portfolio updates and saving reports, that I am changing my investing strategy to global index funds. Having had a hand in the latest SavingNinja thought experiment related to the lockdown, I wrote about how Covid-19 has produced…
Portfolio Update #18 May 2020 – 98,145€
Guys, I got good news this month. I have no new bruises on my face! Or better said… My avatar has got no new bruises on his face. He was getting a “bit” overwhelmed after mistreating him so badly the previous two months, here and…
Investing And Rebalancing In A Bear Market
This article is a guest contribution from Brendan Lee Young of Passiv. Passiv is portfolio management software that makes DIY investing easier. It integrates with users’ brokerage accounts and helps them to automate their portfolio management. With Passiv users can invest and rebalance their portfolios…
Portfolio Update #17 April 2020 – 97,039€
Hola amigos, ¿Qué tal? 🙂 April is long gone and finally in the books here at the ‘hopefully one-day millionaire looking guy’. I think the cover says how the big picture looked like in April. Quick Recap of April Numbers Portfolio value: 97,039 € (-0.4%)…
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